Thursday, December 9, 2010

10 things about me

These top ten are easy for me to do and I find them interesting.
10. I always carry a knife. ALWAYS!! I own two Gerber knives. One with a 3 inch blade and one multi-tool. They always come in handy.

9. I have naturally curly hair. I don't curl it and I wear product in it, not to make it curly, but to keep it from frizzing too much. My hair goes into those tight ringlets no matter how many times I separate them.

8. I am 5' 6". Most people think I am taller but I am really 5'6" according to the doctor. I look taller because I am thinner and I sit and stand straight. Thank you mother.

7. My favorite color depends. My top 3 are red, blue and green.

6. I really should not eat dairy or caffeine. Dairy makes me sick and caffeine makes me crazy. :)

5. I like football and soccer. I hate baseball.

4. I love silver jewelry (you hear this future boyfriend and hubby? lol). I really love super old (teens and '20s) silver.

3. I wear work-boots all of the time. They are the real deal, Timberlands. Worth every single penny.

2. I am a country girl. If you take me out of the country I will die. Honest. Going to Baltimore makes me very nervous and I can't wait to leave.

1. I love my family. I don't mean like just love them like normal people but love them so much that I will kill and be killed for them.

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